Job hunting starts with knowing yourself well. What are your strengths, what work experience do you have, and what excites you? This is the foundation of your CV!

In this workshop, we take it a step further; we turn your resume into one that stands out.

We'll discuss who you are, what you stand for, what your added value is, and where you want to go. If there is something the other person really needs to know about you, make sure to include it in your resume. Ensure that the reader can't ignore you.

Improve your CV

Your resume is about you. That's why we focus primarily on what you have made of your position. You are more important than the position you held and the tasks you performed. Prepare in advance for the question: “HOW do you do things differently than your colleague with the exact same job?”

What this workshop covers

We work on your profile text, and in five steps, we write out your work experience—making it truly about you: active, powerful, and personal.

Everything on your resume is relevant, and everything relevant should be on your resume. Together, we transform your resume from a look back at the past to a look forward to the future.

  • If you would like to receive personal feedback during the workshop, please email your CV to beforehand.

Don't miss this opportunity to boost your CV and job search!

About Vincent:

Vincent Kuyvenhoven is the owner of Zicht op Inzicht, a job application trainer, and a career coach. He has over 25 years of experience with everything related to job applications. As a career coach, he challenges you in the best interest of you as a job seeker. As a former recruiter, he sharpens that perspective with the employer's eye. His motto is: Fun! Positivity! Power!

Vincent truly helps you improve your job application, resume, network, and LinkedIn.

In late 2023, he wrote the book "A New Job: How to Apply with More Confidence and Achieve Better Results," which was also published in English in 2025. 

Reserve your spot!

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Kies jouw ideale moment

Dag Zaterdag
Datum 29 maart 2025
Tijd 10:00 - 12:00
Locatie Huis73 Den Bosch - Hinthamerstraat
Hinthamerstraat 74
5211MR 's-Hertogenbosch
Beschikbaarheid Nog 15 plekken beschikbaar
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